Case Study on

Homeowner – Chippenham [Residential]


The property was a cash purchase as the Buyer was aware of the Japanese Knotweed present in the rear garden & bought the property with a substantial discount knowing that it would need eradication without the use of chemicals as the Owners have young grandchildren. The homeowner had worked closely with construction companies & was well versed in the Thermo-Electric Treatment being used over Europe & introduced in the UK by Rootwave.

We were asked to do a video survey of the garden & a month later we did a physical survey at the homeowner’s request.

Invasive weed present: Japanese Knotweed


Japanese knotweed has been identified in several areas of the rear garden all approximately within 3 metres from the main dwelling and close to the bordering walls for an adjoining property.


Thermo-electric eradication program


Prior to thermo-electric delivery

Follow up

The property was attended on 31/07/23 and thermo-electric treatment applied, old crowns were also treated and there are currently no signs of any regrowth.

After Treatment Photos

Regrowth Follow Up

The homeowners made contact on 6/09/23 to inform of the regrowth which they sent images of, one large one small, on the sloped area at the rear of the property (same area as before).

Second Treatment

Operatives attended the property for a further treatment 11/09/23 & treated the 2 areas as seen above, indicating that there are now less areas to treat after the first Thermo-Electric treatment the regrowth was much less significant & could be easily identified as being much weaker.

Photos after Thermo-Electric Treatment


Homeowner advises a very small stem has appeared late May 2024 and growth is stunted.
Operatives attended and delivered thermo-electric and then dug down to find a very small piece of rhizome that was still viable, which was then zapped with thermo-electric and then the rhizome was removed and electrocuted further.